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Our Farm Stories 

Tim took over the family farm in Tebay when he was just 26 years old. Since then, Tim has built long lasting relationships with local organisations such as the Woodland Trust, Yorkshire Dales National Park, the Lune Rivers Trust, Lake District Farmers and more.

Being one of Lake District Farmers main beef suppliers with a strong relationship for over 10 years, his beef is being sold into London’s top Michelin star restaurants. The chefs frequently visit the farm, so that they can pass the story on to the consumer.

Over the last 5 years extensive work has been undertaken to achieve his higher-level stewardships scheme. 200 acres of rough grazing has been put into creation of woodland pasture, as well as extensive peat restoration. As part of this scheme 15,000 trees have been planted and hedgerows reinstated.

At the start of this scheme, Tim realised implementing the works was going to require using a lot of timber for stakes, parkland tree cages ect. With so much capital investment, he wanted to use timber that would last, and modern treated stakes and posts probably weren’t going to cut it. Tim made the decision to embark on his own timber mill journey, using wood sourced from Grizedale forest and sawn on his own farm with equipment bought especially. This allowed him to select larch wood for longevity and quality, which means most of the timber used in this scheme is not treated, for the benefit of the environment. He thinks that his larch wood will last a lot longer than modern day treated timber.

To enhance the environmental work already achieved, Tim has made farm management decisions to compliment this. Such as using dung beetle friendly cattle wormer, using recycled paper bedding for cattle indoors, and no longer using soya-based feeds in the cattle’s diet.

Leaky dams

Tebay Gill

After Tebay village flooded because of Storm Desmond in 2015, 116 large leaky woody damns were installed by Tim on Tebay gill as part of a Natural Flood Management initiative monitored by Lancaster University and the Lune Rivers Trust. As part of further work with the Lune Rivers Trust to improve water quality in the headwaters of the Lune, diffuse pollution risks were assessed, and actions taken to mitigate this.

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Orton Fells Farm Cluster CIC

Company Number 13370487


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